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Today's Scripture

"A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. ... For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared." -Ephesians 6:10-11,15 (NLT)

Reflect on the Word

Invite family members to share which pair of shoes is their favorite. Why are they your favorites?

In Ephesians 6, we are encouraged to put on God's armor, and in place of shoes is "the peace that comes from the Good News" (v.15). Those shoes seem different than any of our favorites. Do you think they're more powerful? More protective?

The Holy Spirit gives us power to walk in His peace, taking the messages of Jesus' love and forgiveness wherever we go. Every day brings opportunities to show and tell others of His love.

Go on a family prayer walk (See idea in the prayer section below). Beyond today, build this prayerful mindset into your family's culture by noting and acting upon prayer opportunities within your daily rhythms (e.g., grocery shopping, at the park, at activities or eating at restaurants).

Reflect, pray + bless

  1. Reflect: The Holy Spirit is at work all around me, wherever I go. When I'm watchful, I'll discover exciting opportunities to pray for others, showing and telling the Good News of Jesus.
  2. Pray: Go on a family prayer walk at a location of your choosing (e.g., your neighborhood, the mall or a park). While walking, be watchful for opportunities to pray for needs you see or sense, praying in the moment, or note the needs and pray when you return home. 
  3. Bless: "[Child's name], may you approach each day, powered by the Holy Spirit, and watchful for opportunities to pray, bringing the Good News of Jesus into the situations you encounter."