"I pray that He will use His glorious riches to make you strong. May His Holy Spirit give you His power deep down inside you. Then Christ will live in your hearts because you believe in Him. And I pray that your love will have deep roots. I pray that it will have a strong foundation. May you have power together with all the Lord's holy people to understand Christ's love. May you know how wide and long and high and deep it is. And may you know His love, even though it can't be known completely. Then you will be filled with everything God has for you." -Ephesians 3:16-19 (NIRV)
Congratulations! You have explored Scripture and prayed together faithfully for 21 days, experiencing the Holy Spirit in so many dimensions. Let's remember and celebrate this journey.
What were your favorite activities? What new discoveries did you make about the Holy Spirit? How have you seen the Holy Spirit working through your prayers? Record these to use as prayer prompts.
You were invited to write some sentences throughout this journey. Retrieve those and work together to assemble them, using Today's Scripture (above) as your guide. Once assembled, read this powerful blessing together.
What is the power that allows us to know and experience all the love God intends for us? You might consider gluing the assembled verse to a piece of construction paper or posterboard and posting it in your home as a reminder to pray this blessing over your family as the Holy Spirit leads.