When we choose to follow Jesus and confess Him as our Savior, God promises us the gift of the Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is fully God, part of the Trinity. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit guides us, helps us with temptation, empowers us to live as new creations and reminds us that we are God's children. Let's discover more about the Holy Spirit together!
Throughout the 21 days, we'll invite you to write down each theme's sentence, given below, on a half or full sheet of paper. Feel free to be as simple or elaborate in your lettering and coloring as you like. On day 21, your family will have the opportunity to do something with the seven paper segment to celebrate completing your prayer journey.
Here's the first sentence:
I pray that God will us His glorious riches to make you strong. May His Holy Spirit give you His power deep down inside you.